Executive Board
Nominating Committee

Executive Board

6. Executive Board

6.1. The Executive Board shall consist of the immediate Past-President, President, President-Elect, Secretary General, Treasurer and two additional members.

6.2. During their term, none of these officers shall be a Delegate of the constituent society of which she/he is a member.

6.3. Four members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.

6.4. The Executive Board shall make decisions by majority vote.

6.5. The Executive Board may act on behalf of the council in intervals between regular meetings of the Council. All actions by the Executive Board must be ratified by the next regular or special meeting of the Council. In case of war or other emergencies preventing action by the Council, the Executive Board may take over the function of the Council and shall continue in office until the emergency is over and until a meeting of the Council can be held.

6.6. Term of office.
The term of the President-Elect and Past-President shall be for two years and the term of President shall be for four years. The term of the Secretary General, the Treasurer and the two additional members shall be four years. Only the Secretary General, the Treasurer and the two additional members may be re-elected for no more than one additional term.

6.7. Interim vacancies occurring on the Executive Board and the Nominating Committee may be filled by the President in consultation with the Executive Board. The individual so appointed shall serve for the unexpired term of the individual whose position she/he is filling.

6.8. Secretary General
The Secretary General shall:
6.8.1. keep a record of all classes of membership of FEPS
6.8.2. keep a minute book of the transactions of FEPS
6.8.3. keep the records of all meetings of the Council, the Executive Board and the Nomination Committee
6.8.4. distribute the agenda for the meeting of the Council and the Executive Board including the list of candidates of officers, as submitted by the Nominating Committee, at least one month prior to the meeting, and shall distribute the minutes of the meetings not later than three months after the meeting
6.8.5. collect and distribute information in accordance with the objectives of FEPS from and to the member societies and the corporate members.

6.9. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
6.9.1. receive all dues and other funds
6.9.2. pay all obligations and debts
6.9.3. render annually a complete financial account and submit a proposed budget to the Council at least one month prior to the meeting of the Council. Any deviation from this budget of an amount to be determined by the Council shall receive the approval of the Executive Board before the expenditure is made. The account of the Treasurer shall be audited every year by two auditors who are elected by the Council for three years. The approval of the financial account by the Council will relieve the President, Treasurer and Auditor from all subsequent financial responses.

6.9.4. In addition to these tasks the treasurer is responsible for the bank accounts of the society in Germany and the filing of any tax declarations and the like to the authorities.

6.9.5. For a transition period of three years the tasks/powers of the treasurer as specified in article 6.9.4. will be delegated to Professor Dr. Markus Hecker.