Executive Board
Nominating Committee


2. Objectives

2.1. FEPS is an international, non-governmental scientific organization. FEPS is exclusively and strictly a non-profit making organization as per the section “Steuerbegunstigte Zwecke” of the “German Abgabeverordnung”.

2.2. The purpose of FEPS shall be the advancement of science and education related to physiology. This purpose is to be answered especially by:

2.2.1. promoting and fostering the exchange and diffusion of concepts and information relating to physiological sciences between physiologists and the national/regional societies of physiology of the European region.

2.2.2. facilitating the dissemination of information about the activities of its member societies.

2.2.3. encouraging the holding of joint meetings of two or more constituent societies.

2.2.4. facilitating the exchange of invitations between member societies to national/regional meetings, congresses and other scientific meetings to promote attendances of individual scientists at meetings within the European region.

2.2.5. advancing knowledge in the scientific disciplines relating to physiology by supporting and providing suitable mechanisms for training programmes in physiology.

2.2.6. representing its member societies at the Union of European Societies of Experimental Biology (EUSEB).

2.2.7. promoting the publication of material relevant to the objectives of FEPS.

2.2.8. advancing the exchange of graduate students and scientists within the European region and on an international scale.

2.2.9. stimulating international scientific research projects in the European region.

2.3. In pursuing these objectives, FEPS shall observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirm the rights of scientists throughout the world to adhere to or to associate with international scientific activities without regard to race, religion, political philosophy, ethnic origin, citizenship, language or sex. FEPS shall recognize and respect the independence of the internal planning of its member societies.

2.4. FEPS and its member societies adhere to the principles of the International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS) and to the resolution regarding the free circulation of scientists of the International Council of Scientific Unions (IUPS).

2.5. FEPS works altruistically; its aims are primarily non-profit.